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Niki Nickfardjam '14 + Alex Heikali '09

A remarkable community has the power to unite remarkable individuals, as exemplified by the heartwarming story of Niki Nickfardjam '14 and Alex Heikali '09. Although they both attended Milken, the pair did not meet until years later, in 2021.

Their serendipitous meeting happened to take place at a Milken Alumni’s birthday party, where they were introduced by a mutual friend. This marked the beginning of a beautiful connection. Their first date, filled with laughter and shared memories of their high school experiences, was just the beginning of a journey intertwined with the values and traditions fostered during their time at Milken.

Recalling their shared experiences at Milken made their connection even more profound. Niki and Alex reminisced about their favorite teachers and the lifelong friendships they had made with their classmates. They also bonded over transformative experiences, such as participating in the March of the Living, which left an indelible mark on their lives and deepened their appreciation for their shared heritage.

As their relationship blossomed, Niki and Alex found solace and strength in their shared commitment to upholding traditions passed down by their families and nurtured by the Milken community. From celebrating Shabbat and Passover together to attending High Holiday services, they found joy in honoring their shared faith and culture.

Their connection to Milken extends beyond their personal lives and into their professional aspirations and future plans. Both Niki and Alex have pursued careers in finance, and despite attending different universities — Niki at USC and Alex at Cornell — their experiences at Milken laid the foundation for success in their respective fields.

Looking ahead, Niki and Alex envision a future where their children are raised in a Jewish home and are instilled with the same values that have shaped Niki and Alex’s lives. Their commitment to passing down these traditions and values underscores the enduring impact of the Milken community, which provides both a deeply rooted education and can foster the beginning of a family bound by a deep love for Judaism, virtues, and traditions.

As Niki and Alex embark on this new chapter of their lives together, we celebrate their love and the profound impact the Milken community has had in shaping their journey.
At Milken Community School, we think education is more than what you know. Our School, founded on Jewish values, is about who our children can become and how they can help others become who they might be. Because the world our children will create tomorrow is born in the School we build today, our mission is to educate our children so they can surpass us.
Non-discrimination Policy: Milken Community School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, financial aid, athletic, and other school-administered programs.