At Milken Community School, student life is vibrant and dynamic, reflecting our commitment to Jewish values and traditions while fostering a deep sense of community. Whether it's kehillah time, Friday oneg, holiday celebrations, or exploring diverse forms of prayer and reflection, students actively live the values they learn. From Torah study to innovation in the arts, sports, music, and drama, Milken offers a holistic environment where students explore their identity, connect mind, body, and soul, and define what it means to live Jewishly.
Our students embrace tradition while engaging with modern practices, whether participating in the Tiferet Israel Fellowship in Grade 10 or joining time-honored events like class trips, Shabbatonim, and Senior Year milestones. The bonds formed on these occasions create lasting memories, often the most cherished aspects of their Milken experience. Our traditions run deep, with many of them dating back to Milken's early years in the 1990s, and continue to grow, enriching the lives of students year after year.