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Samson Isaacson ’17 + Natalie Ahdoot ’17

Milken's Tiferet Israel Program creates a tapestry of treasured moments for our students, weaving their lives together in an extraordinary way. As Natalie and Samson embarked on their thrilling journey to the Holy Land, they eagerly embraced the adventure that lay ahead. Little did they know that amidst the sacred land, destiny would unite them as soulmates.
The couple reveals that although they were acquainted before, their love story began during their time abroad. Natalie and Samson passionately describe the transformative nature of the Tiferet Israel Program, which binds the cohort together through shared travels, exhilarating Tiyuls, and the forging of unbreakable friendships.
As their bond deepened, they returned to the bustling streets of Los Angeles, stepping into a new chapter as a couple. They were each other's prom dates, and over the years created cherished and unforgettable memories with each other and their peers. They marveled at the incredible community that surrounded them, cultivating friendships and relationships that would be forever treasured.
As their high school chapter drew to a close, Natalie made her way to the University of Colorado Boulder and Samson made his way to the University of Michigan. Despite the physical distance that separated them during their university years and study abroad experiences, their love only grew stronger.
After school the couple returned to Los Angeles together and in 2022, their commitment deepened as Samson knelt down on one knee, and asked his high school sweetheart to embark on a lifelong journey together.
As they embark on this new chapter of their lives, the couple reflects on the profound impact their fellow Milken alumni had on their journey. Their friendships played an invaluable role in bringing them together years ago and continue to be treasured. They hold dear the values instilled by Milken and the nurturing community that fostered their relationship.
This year, the couple plans to marry alongside their friends and family here in Los Angeles. Natalie is passionately pursuing a master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, while Samson pursues a career in finance. May their journey be brimming with love, joy, and countless cherished memories!
At Milken Community School, we think education is more than what you know. Our School, founded on Jewish values, is about who our children can become and how they can help others become who they might be. Because the world our children will create tomorrow is born in the School we build today, our mission is to educate our children so they can surpass us.
Non-discrimination Policy: Milken Community School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, financial aid, athletic, and other school-administered programs.