
Milken East Campus Update

Our school, only 33 years young, is growing in our enrollment, needs and opportunities. Our mission - to educate our children so they can surpass us - and our cause of shaping the Jewish future is more important than ever before. That is why, with the partnership of our Board of Trustees, we invested in Los Angeles’s Jewish future through the purchase of Milken East, formerly AJU’s Familian Campus just across the bridge. It's the most ambitious project in Jewish education history. I wanted to share updates about how our students will benefit from their use of Milken East this coming school year, along with our planning process for the long-term plans of the new campus.

This year, we are using Milken East for the following:
  • Junior parking (seniors park on campus)
  • Athletic training in a remodeled weight room
  • Athletics practices (not games)
  • Arts rehearsals (dance, music, performing arts)
  • Select programs such as performances, student programming and parent/prospective parent meetings and events
  • Alumni events
The Future
This past summer, Milken retained Gensler Architects to develop a vision for the future of Milken East. This plan, after it is finalized and approved by the Board of Trustees, and after working with local communities, will be submitted to the City for approvals. We look forward to keeping you updated on our progress. Parallel to these efforts, our Capital Campaign has launched. The funds raised will help bring our vision to life, transforming the site and maximizing its impact on current and future students, as well as the broader Los Angeles Jewish community.
Being Good Neighbors
We talk a lot about our core value of Kehillah - building a warm, welcoming community - and that extends to our neighbors on Mulholland and Casiano next door to Milken East. As always, please continue to be good neighbors by respecting the speed limits on our local streets, and abiding by all local traffic laws.
I will continue to share updates with our community as the planning progresses, and if you have any questions, please reach out to Tal Barak, Director of Communications & Associate Director of External Relations at tbarak@milkenschool.org.
We will continue to keep you posted on these exciting developments.
Sarah Shulkind
Head of School

Posted 9.4.24
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At Milken Community School, we think education is more than what you know. Our School, founded on Jewish values, is about who our children can become and how they can help others become who they might be. Because the world our children will create tomorrow is born in the School we build today, our mission is to educate our children so they can surpass us.
Non-discrimination Policy: Milken Community School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, financial aid, athletic, and other school-administered programs.